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Vazamento de dados feito pelo Anonymous desaparece

post do Anonymous removido
O post foi feito dia 11 e ontem sumiu

O grupo Anonymous atacou anteontem os servidores do Partido Socialista Popular, um dos mais fortes da Dinamarca (Socialistisk Folkeparti, em língua dinamarquês) em protesto contra o apoio que o partido deu em favor da vigilância em massa na internet por meio do Centro Dinamarquês de Cibersegurança. O vazamento foi feito no endereço [ http://pastebin.com/Epc4YPsq ] e incluiu dados de importantes políticos, como do ex-ministro das relações exteriores Holger K. Nielsen mas curiosamente o post foi removido entre ontem e hoje. Não há explicações para o fato por enquanto.

Esta é a mensagem e a lista de bancos publicados pelo Anonymous:

Dear Government of Denmark,

Yesterday, June 11th, 2014, you revealed your true colors after signing the latest bill for the Danish Center for Cyber Security. For months we have observed your hypocritical attitude towards the issues of privacy violations. You must be proud of your achievements in expanding the Danish surveillance system yet again. You wish for more privacy, not for your citizens, but for yourselves. The government exists to serve the people. When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. We do not see much liberty in Denmark, but we do see a lot of tyranny.

In retaliation for another violation of our privacy, for your repeated political failures, and for your failure to act in the interests of the people you are supposed to represent, we have decided to attack one of the political parties who voted for this bill. To show you that karma truly is a bitch, we have for you a leak from the Danish Socialistisk Folkeparti (SF) political party. This includes login information belonging to party members as well as social security (CPR) numbers belonging to these corrupt tyrants. We have chosen to share the data for elected politicians of the Parliament only, as they were the ones who voted for the new law. The others will not be released.

You have gone too far when you think you can use military intelligence agencies to monitor ordinary citizens. You have gone too far when you repeatedly ignore the concerns of the citizens who demand answers, clarity, and transparency. You have gone too far when your response to a growing public concern manifests itself into a bill which limits the transparency of your greedy actions, as you did June 4th, 2013.

We are strongly encouraging every citizen out there to keep fighting and make their voices heard during these times. We are strongly encouraging whistle blowers and other hacktivists to reveal what politicians are trying to keep away from the general public. They do not need to be hackers to expose corruption, and their actions will have a great impact.
Do you need to be reminded of how people reacted to ACTA in 2012? This new bill is much worse, and people will gather once again for something that affects them so personally.
…Anyways, tiem 4 sum delicious caek!

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